In July 2021, over 80 out of Nigeria’s 109 Senators publicly voted against electronic transmission of results, which indeed, is the surest way, to conduct transparent, fair and credible elections in Nigeria. The refusal by most Senators to support electronic transmission of results by INEC, has inarguably confirmed the fact that most Nigeria’s ruling elites do not have the trust of the voting masses. That means, a larger number of Nigeria’s ruling elites and other top politicians will always loose out in a fair and credible election. Hence, the only way they get elected is by rigging. Therefore, it is not a surprise that over 80 Senators voted against electronic transmission of results.
INEC has portrayed itself, as a weak, corrupt and unreliable institution, which lacks the integrity to conduct free, transparent and credible elections. This has been the case for many years! Take a look at the quality of Nigeria’s recycled political leaders, both past and present, then you will agree to the fact that INEC is never to be trusted. Also, the judiciary has recklessly undermined the value of elections in Nigeria’s democracy by the misdeeds of compromising judgements and corrupting the polity in favour of corrupt and desperate politicians, whose sole interest is to merchandise political offices.
If Nigeria’s 36 Governors, were asked to vote, just like the Senators, it is certain most of them would have voted against electronic transmission of results. In Nigeria today, political leaders are not usually elected by the voting masses but always selected and rigged into offices by the ruling elites with the support of INEC officials. This is why election in Nigeria, is more a matter of “winning” by fraud (rigging), than “winning” by merit. But the desire to change the ugly narrative, is the reason that propelled the formation of Civil Society Committee For Anti-Fraud Election Security (CISCAES), anchored by Youths Off The Street Initiative (YOTSI), a CAC-registered youth enterprise non-governmental Organization (NGO).